Nia is so freeing and empowering.
Throughout the Puget Sound area, Nia students can find 50 different classes to attend Sunday through Saturday. But what if the times or days do not fit your schedule? Or you’re on vacation away from your regular class and really feel the need to move?
There is a solution! It’s now easier than ever to attend a Nia class wherever you are. You decide when you’re ready and from which device you want to use – your phone, tablet, lap top, computer or streamed to your TV.
It’s easy.
Go to
Sign up for an account and test-drive it for yourself. It’s FREE! For 15 days.
Full Workouts
You’ll find all the current routines like Wild, Ride, Flow, Cell-Ebrate and many more – maybe your favorite among the hour-long workouts. Nia faculty members including Debbie Rosas, one of the co-creators, lead you in a variety of music and moves.
Quick Workouts
Don’t have much time? Try one of the 20-minute workouts. A whole routine in just one-third of an hour.
Therapeutic Workouts
Recovering from an injury or illness? Or you prefer a slower paced workout. Nia has Moving to Heal classes that are gentle on the body and can be done from a chair if you choose.
For those who would like to relax and have some quiet time, Debbie Rosas’ mediations provide the opportunity to be guided through transformational experiences.
NiaTV Subscription Options
Once you’ve fallen in love with working out when you want to and wherever you are, a monthly subscription is $9.99 – and you can cancel at any time.
There’s a 3-Month Plan for $25 or save 25% on the Annual Plan for $90.
What a deal!
Of course, you’ll still want to take your local teachers’ classes where you get to move and dance with others – building a community together. Do enjoy this expanded Nia and tell all your friends about NiaTV.
Through movement we find health.